JS. Introspection is a good thing. That we were born at all is nothing less than amazing. I had the good or misfortune of being raised to believe that there were no classes in America, while never really having exposure to anything other than upper middle as a child, economically, and did not understand that people, most people did not think like me. I was, in my own mind, a poor kid in a rich town. It took me a long time to understand a lot of things. I am still unpacking the past; I did not have time to process it while living it. I read you as seriously examining your past. I commend that. There are lessons there, for sure. That store is full of them.

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I've been on the receiving end of elitist vibes and it's not a nice feeling. You have this unspoken sense you can't be friends with them, aren't welcome in their life or wouldn't be accepted and they won't tell you directly, but if you go to their Facebook and Instagram and you see that they have thousands of "friends" who are glamorous types like them with fancy vacations and yachts and nice cars, degrees from brand colleges and brand careers and they wear mainly designer clothing you can see why. We should not let money and status get in the way of connecting with each other, but it happens.

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